Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day Twenty-five: Sweatshirts

My superhero husband was at it again. Over supper we were talking about what little project I could do since neither of us were up to anything big. We are both very tired today, like exhausted tired. Why? Well you see we had ginormous thunder storms starting at 4 a.m. this morning, which means our 40 pound Lab Bella was shaking on top of our heads, which as it turns out, makes sleeping rather difficult.

Anyway, we decided that the pile of sweatshirts in our closet would be perfect. After I put Kaleb to sleep, I go into our room only to find that my super duper awesome hubby was finishing up the sweatshirts AND had made the bed (Bella also peed in bed during her shaking - yes, my life is that awesome).

So now, not only do we have a clutter-free closet, we have a clean smelling nicely made bed and I have a post for Day 25. Winning!

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