Monday, November 05, 2012

Day Thirty: Hook Happy

Watch out, I've gone crazy over hooks. I've always had a thing for 3M Command Hooks, but this weekend I took it a step further and bought hooks that you screw into the wall. Yes, I've gone that far. 

After owning our house for 3 years, I've finally put up permanent hooks. Before that, we used a lot of those over the door hangers. I like them for the lack of holes they put into walls and doors, but I hate them for the simple fact that you can not shut the door! So as I said, I took the plunge.

First I tackled the bathroom door. We have a teeny tiny bathroom and as a result, hang our towels on the door. So we bought 4 simple white hooks, and after some calculated precise markings, I decided where they would go. Then, as per the directions, I drilled a couple holes, I hammered in the anchors and with screws, I put the hooks. Easy peasy. (Notice the use of the pronoun "I" in that sentence!)

To make this project completely awesome, I'm going to buy some wooden letters, P, M, K, to be exact, paint them then somehow affix them to the wall over the hooks. Why those letters you ask? Papa, Mama, Kaleb. But I bought 4 hooks you say. Yes, I did. For the time being hook #4 will be for guests, eventually it will be for baby #2, if we are so blessed. 

Next project was adding a hook in our coat closet for the diaper bag. It's previous home was the floor by the door. Again, it was simple project that I let J do. :) It didn't take J very long as no anchors were needed and since it was a single hook, it was just a matter of centering on the door and screwing it in.

Project complete.

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